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Sunday, 30 December 2012
Add Your Knowledge About Bullying
are many types of bullying that happen now a day. Some of the types that I will
present today is about physical bullying, cyber bullying and
Verbal bullying
bullying that is presents the most immediate threat of serious injury or even
death for the victim. Use
of non-lethal weapons in order to inflict additional damage, or the threat of
lethal force if the victim continues to resist or fails to be intimidated.For
example, relies heavily on the victim’s unwillingness to endure another attack
or do anything which might trigger a bully’s anger. Physical
bullying often leaves an unambiguous trail of tangible evidence against the
bully. Broken
bones, bruising, cuts or scratches where it is all verify that a physical
assault happen, even if the victim is unwilling or unable to identify his or
her assailant. For
example, effect from this victim may feel depressed or powerless because they
were unable to defend themselves against a bully. Physical
bullying often to distinguish form roughhousing or hazing. A group
of adolescent males may engage in mutual combat as a social rite of passage like military recruits may use physical intimidation as a
team-building exercise.
means of harassment that makes use of online tools to accomplish the purpose. The activity is aimed at undermining the confidence of the victim and creating
suffering for reasons that are usually not apparent to anyone but the bully. For example, cyber bully usually posy embarrassing images, information, or
gossip about another individual on various social networking sites. Now a day there is a bullying that conducted with online, where it use
technology to harass, threaten, embarrass, or target someone where it popular
in teens and young people. Through use a variety of technologies including instant messaging, IMs, email,
chat rooms and video hosting sites like YouTube, Yahoo Messaging, and Skype and
so on. For example, A 2006 poll from the national organization Fight Crime: Invest in
Kids found that 1 in 3 teens and 1 in 6 preteens have been the victims of cyber
bullying. As more and more youths have access to computers and cell phones, the
incidence of cyber bullying is likely to rise. Cyber bullying involves using technology, like cell phones and the website
postings can go school-wide in minutes and global in days. This situation likely stealing a person’s account information to the form of cyber gossip, where damaging content is
based on whim, not facts, and is posted on social networking sites such as
MySpace and Facebook into their account and damaging messages . For example, Studies indicate that cyber-bullying incidents in 2005, studies of
1500 Internet-using adolescents found that over one-third had been cyber bulled
and half of those admitted to cyber-bullying others (Hinduja and Patchin, In
Review.) A 2005 study by National Children’s Home Charity revealed that 20% had
been cyber-bullying victims. A 2004 survey conducted by i-Safe America of 1556
adolescents found that 42 % had been bullied online.
bullying is a bully that to degrade and demean the victim. With only words they
can make someone become depressed, where they try to making the aggressor
become dominant and aggressive with make the victim look they are powerful. This situation mostly like a physical bullying but if someone bullied, it can
be like a physical bully and because it encompass the verbal. It strikes at the
heart of the individual’s innermost feelings about him or herself. Sometimes
this situation can make someone in dilemma. For example, these situation happen when there someone where their self are
suffering from low self-esteem even though these appears the abuser but
sometimes it is quite hard to confirm this is verbal intimidation. Victims who are being verbally bullied do not have to be helpless, different
situation will require different actions. This situation happen may be depressed, have low self-esteem, be envied by the
bully for his achievements, personal belongings or power status within a
certain group. Additionally a victim may be bullied for having different
cultural or physical characteristics. For example, a victim may experience verbal bullying because he is too thin or
too fat, or because he is a certain race or religion. Verbal bullying is a type of hostility or aggression which can happen with
children or adults, males or females and at home, at school or at
work. There are different types of bullies and they all are motivated by different
reasons. Similarly, there are different ways for a victim to deal with a
bully. For example, a bully trying to become as aggressor, where they deliberately
tries to verbally upset the victim through taunting and teasing.
you all can see, there are many types of bullying that happen in our diary life
now a days, some of the types of bullying is Physical Bullying, Cyber Bullying,
and lastly Verbal Bullying
Information:: From what i write above is my assignment for my presentation skills that i should find information about type of bullying. If there are have any mistake or error about my writing i really sorry..
more information::
Thursday, 27 December 2012
Siapa Cepat Dia Dapat Rebat 200 Hanya untuk 1.5 Juta Belia Sahaja

Belia yang berusia antara 21 dan 30 tahun boleh mula memohon rebet RM200 bagi pembelian telefon pintar 3G terpilih daripada pengedar berdaftar mulai Selasa depan.
Pengerusi Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM), Datuk Mohamed Sharil Tarmizi berkata, permohonan di bawah Pakej Komunikasi Belia itu boleh dibuat menerusi pendaftaran dalam talian di
Skim itu berasaskan siapa cepat dia dapat dan khas bagi 1.5 juta belia yang layak yang boleh mendapatkan telefon pintar itu selagi stok masih ada..
~Jom Cepat-Cepat Daftar~
Sumber Daripada :

Beliau Berumur 81 Tahun...
Dilahirkan pada tahun 1931 di Kampung Pulau Melaka, Kota Bharu beliau merupakan anak kedua daripada sembilan orang adik-beradik. Hasil perkongsian hidup dengan isterinya, iaitu Tuan Sabariah Binti Tuan Ishak, beliau dikurniakan 10 orang cahaya mata (5 lelaki dan 5 perempuan).
Sebelum menjadi Menteri Besar, beliau adalah seorang guru agama yang aktif. Beliau pernah mengajar di Sekolah Menengah Agama Tarbiyyah Mardiah, Sekolah Menengah Agama Darul Anwar dan Sekolah Menengah Maahad Muhammadi yang kesemuanya terletak di Kelantan. Maka tidak hairanlah beliau lebih mesra dengan gelaran 'Tuan Guru' di kalangan rakyat Malaysia. Malah sehingga kini, beliau masih lagi aktif menyebarkan ilmu-ilmu Islam kepada masyarakat. Pada hampir setiap pagi, beliau akan menjadi imam kepada Solat Subuh dan kemudiannya memberikan kuliah ringkas di sebuah masjid yang terletak hanya beberapa langkah sahaja dari rumahnya.
Beliau sentiasa dikenali sebagai seorang Menteri Besar yang paling zuhud dan warak. Pada hampir setiap masa, beliau sentiasa dilihat dalam keadaan berjubah dan berserban. Beliau mengaku bersolat dalam keadaan gelap apabila berada di dalam pejabatnya kerana tidak mahu menggunakan duit kerajaan untuk kepentingan dirinya. Rumahnya pula hanyalah sebuah rumah kampung biasa seperti yang dimiliki oleh rakyat kebanyakan. Rumahnya tidak berpagar sama sekali dan tiada pengawal keselamatan yang diupah untuk menjaganya.
Pada tahun 2008, Gerakan Rakyat Anti Korupsi (GERAK) telah menganugerahkan beliau sebagai Menteri Besar yang memiliki rekod paling bersih di Malaysia. Anugerah itu diberikan sebagai menghargai usaha beliau menentang gejala rasuah sepanjang mentadbir Kelantan selama hampir 18 tahun.
Pada tahun 2009, beliau diletakan diantara 50 tokoh Islam berpengaruh didunia dan disenaraikan dalam buku berjudul "The 500 Most Influential Muslims".
Politik Beliau Yang Menarik yang Perlu Anda Semua Mengetauinya.
Pada pilihan raya umum Malaysia kali ke-12, beliau bersemuka dengan Datuk Dr Nik Mohd Zain Omar yang bertanding di atas tiket Barisan Nasional (BN) di kawasan DUN yang sama. Secara peraturannya, Beliau (PAS) sudah boleh menang tanpa bertanding pada hari penamaan calon apabila lawannya itu terlupa untuk menurunkan tandatangannya pada borang penamaan calon. Namun beliau tidak mahu menang dengan cara begitu lalu meminta calon BN itu menandatangani semula borang pencalonan tersebut. Keputusan pilihan raya kali ini menyaksikan Nik Aziz menang dengan majoriti undi yang lebih besar, iaitu 4,249.
Beliaulah Menteri Besar Kelantan Darul Naim iaitu Tuan Guru Dato' Bentara Setia Haji Nik Abdul Aziz Bin Nik Mat ♥
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Wednesday, 19 December 2012

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Saturday, 15 December 2012
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